Website Development

Enjoy hassle-free website development and monitoring from expert digital marketers.

Build and Maintain Your Site with Custom Website Development Services

Your business’s website can make or break your reputation, search engine rankings, conversion rates, and profitability. Is your website in need of a little TLC? Are you tired of trying to fix bugs and update content on your own while running your business full-time? 

Don’t stress — we’ll take it from here. 

At Black Dog Marketing, we offer full-scale website development solutions for small and large businesses, associations and non-profit organizations. Our in-house developers are well-versed in a wide range of programming languages and have spent years learning the website development techniques that boost conversions, increase search engine rankings, and amplify profitability.

The most successful businesses work with expert website development teams to build and maintain their websites. Are you ready to invest in a website that works for — not against — your business?

Our Website Development Services

At Black Dog Marketing, we offer professional web development services a la carte or as part of a full-scale digital marketing strategy. We start by conducting a website audit to determine necessary areas of improvement for your site, then create a customized strategy involving any of the following services.
Our ongoing website maintenance services ensure that your website stays up to date, runs smoothly, and performs optimally long-term. We take the full responsibility for your website off your hands, conducting routine tasks like:
  • Updating content as needed
  • Ensuring that all links work
  • Monitoring your website speed and overall health
  • Fixing bugs and issues as they occur Conducting routine SEO audits
  • Optimizing user experience
You can rest assured that your website will always support your business’s goals without needing to take the time to monitor it yourself.

As a business owner, you have numerous responsibilities on your daily task sheet — and spending time figuring out web hosting is probably pretty low on the list. But until you decide on a web hosting service, your website will only be visible to you — meaning it won’t do much to further your marketing strategy.

Choosing the right hosting service for your website is essential to maintaining a reliable, flexible, fast, and scalable website. We help you develop an effective web hosting plan and monitor your website’s uptime and downtime closely, ensuring that your website data remains safe and your site is always accessible to users.

Your business is unique, so you shouldn’t settle for a cookie-cutter website. Our experienced web developers can custom-build your website from the ground up, including distinctive website applications, landing pages, and technical elements tailored to your industry and target audience.
We take the time to learn about your business’s unique selling points, brand image, goals, and values, then shape these details into a personalized website with optimized solutions for your company. You’ll have control over every element of your website — just let us know what you want to see, and we’ll make it happen.

Work with Expert Web Developers Committed to Your Business's Success

Your website is a reflection of your business, and neglecting your site can actively turn away potential customers. Don’t let your website harm your reputation any longer! Our professional web developers are committed to creating, building, and maintaining a website that helps your business succeed. 

Our in-house website development team is ready to help your website shine.

What Is Website Development?

At its core, website development is the strategy for building and maintaining a website. Your website consists of numerous moving parts and back-end features, and web developers make sure that these elements always:

  • Work as they should to ensure a seamless user experience
  • Support your business’s goals
  • Optimize your search engine rankings
  • Contribute a high-quality website design 

Website development includes both the initial process of building a new website and the ongoing strategy to keep it in the best possible condition. 

The Benefits of Professional Website Development for Your Business

Is website development really necessary? You might think, “My website runs fine; why make any changes?”

As expert marketers, we know the importance of a great website. Whether you’ve never had a website or haven’t touched your site in years, you need ongoing website development and support for several reasons:

Boost Search Engine Optimization

Ranking highly in search engine results is important in reaching new customers. If your your site isn’t on the first page of search results, potential customers may never even discover your business. Web development is one of the core components of search engine optimization (SEO). Search engine crawlers review a wide range of technical elements on a website, including: 
  • Page loading speed
  • Website architecture
  • HTTPS status codes
  • XML sitemaps
  • Web applications and plugins
If any of these elements break, your site won’t rank well for relevant search queries. Our web development team makes sure your website is in the best shape to boost your search engine rankings and reach more customers. 

Ensure Smooth Website Functioning

Without ongoing maintenance, your website will experience bugs and issues that bog down its loading speed and even prevent users from accessing your website content. As a busy company owner, you may not notice these issues until they have already turned away dozens of potential customers. 

That’s where our website development professionals come in. We handle the technical details and keep your site running well long-term so you can take a hands-off approach to website maintenance. You won’t need to worry about catching bugs or finding the source of an error — we’ll take care of it for you. 

Keep Your Website Up to Date

When was the last time you updated your website content? Your site should be an accurate reflection of your business, including current information about your services, staff, business hours, location, and contact details. Keeping outdated information on your site can even hurt your search engine rankings. 

When you partner with our professional website developers, you always have an easy method of updating your website. As your web development team, we can access and edit your site content anytime.

Enhance Your Reputation

A high-quality website creates a positive first impression of your business. Working with expert website development professionals ensures that your website furthers your business’s authority, trustworthiness, and reliability through fast-loading web pages, intuitive web design, and flexible site elements.

Don't Let Your Website Harm Your Reputation Any Longer!

Our professional web developers are committed to creating, building, and maintaining a website that helps your business succeed. 

Our in-house website development team is ready to help your website shine.