Digital Marketing Consulting

Turbulent Times Call for an Experienced Guide.

Leverage our 25+ years of digital marketing experience to create a customized plan to achieve your marketing goals.

Your Go-to Digital Marketing Consultant

Not Sure Where To Start?

SEO, web design, email marketing, lead generation…it all may feel a little overwhelming. We’re here to make digital marketing simple.

As a business owner, you’ve probably heard of digital marketing and its benefits for businesses. But you might not know what digital marketing means for your business.
We get it. You have a lot on your plate: managing employees, interacting with customers, ordering products, and running your business well. You may feel like you don’t have time to figure out digital marketing on top of all your other responsibilities.

But with just 30 minutes of your time, we can show you how professional digital marketing campaigns can transform your business. We’ll discuss the strategies your business could be using to grow your customer base, improve retention, and increase profitability.

After your 30-minute strategy session, you’ll better grasp how digital marketing could work for you and where to go from there.

What To Expect During A Strategy Session

Are you ready to get serious about your business’s growth and profits? The first step is scheduling a strategy session with our digital marketing team. Here’s what you can expect from your Zoom session:

1. Introduce Your Business

We’ll begin the call by asking about your business. When did you launch? What products or services do you offer? What are your goals? How would you describe your overall performance? We’ll also take time to tell you about our digital marketing agency and the types of services we offer. 

2. Discuss Your Challenges

Next, we’ll invite you to bring to the table any challenges your business is currently facing. We’ve worked with hundreds of businesses in our 25+ years in the marketing industry, so rest assured — nothing shocks us. Being transparent about your struggles can help us provide detailed guidance on overcoming them. 

3. Craft a Strategy

Every business challenge has a solution, but as a business owner, you may have trouble seeing that solution from an objective standpoint. We’ll use our marketing expertise and outsider perspective to help you overcome your business’s obstacles. Whether you’re struggling to retain customers, need help reaching your target audience, or are looking for ways to increase your profitability, we can guide you through the steps to achieve your goals. 

4. Discuss Your Next Steps 

We offer comprehensive digital marketing services and would be happy to explain how we can fulfill the steps in your digital marketing strategy. But you can also trust us to recommend outside assistance when necessary. If you’re struggling with a challenge we can’t help you with, we’ll suggest another solution. 

You’ll gain valuable information from your strategy session that you can use to improve your business model regardless of whether you decide to hire our digital marketing agency. 

Not Sure Where To Start?

At Black Dog Marketing, we’ve spent over two decades learning the best strategies businesses can use to increase profitability and reach more customers. We’re excited to share our techniques and discuss how we can help your business succeed in the digital age. 

Expert Digital Marketing Consultancy Services

We’re ready to be your long-term partner through the complex, ever-changing digital marketing world. Working with our digital marketing consultant gives you access to ongoing guidance and marketing resources to keep your profitability high. 

Many clients have partnered with us for years, and we truly thrive in long-term relationships. Whether you need services quarterly, monthly, or weekly, we can ensure your strategy works for you over the long haul. Just like our namesake — our beloved black dog — we’ll be loyal to you as long as you let us.

With our ongoing marketing consultancy package, you’ll benefit from the following services:


Effective digital marketing strategies are always changing and improving. To stay competitive with other businesses in your area, you’ll need to adapt your strategies and stay up to date with emerging trends. 

When you begin working with our company, we’ll craft an in-depth marketing plan detailing all the strategies you should leverage to grow your business. We’ll tell you the steps you need to take to reach more customers or implement those steps for you — it’s completely up to you. 

Then, our marketing experts will adjust and optimize your campaigns regularly to ensure they continue performing well for your business.


We’ll keep you in the know about how your marketing strategies and overall digital presence are performing. We review several key performance indicators (KPIs) for our clients, providing valuable data about conversions, sales, profitability, and growth. We’ll share your:
  • Marketing return on investment (ROI)
  • Customer retention rate
  • Cost per lead
  • Cost per customer acquisition
  • Sales growth
  • Website traffic 
  • Lifetime value of our services
We never want you to have to guess whether our marketing services are working. You’ll have easy access to in-depth data about your marketing strategies and your business’s overall performance.


In this digital age, most businesses use technology to streamline their services. Whether you’re looking to adopt a customer relationship management system or a marketing automation platform, we’ll take care of the process for you. 

You don’t need to waste any time researching the right platforms or learning how to implement them. We’ve spent years testing out marketing technology, and we’d be happy to advise you. 


Automating certain components of your digital marketing strategy can save you time and ensure you don’t miss opportunities to connect with your customer base. We can help you automate your email campaign, customer communications, text reminders, and other digital channels.

Unlock Your Business’s Potential

Digital marketing can feel overwhelming, and you may be unsure where to begin. But we’ll make it easy — start by contacting a digital marketing consultant dedicated to your business’s success. 

At Black Dog Marketing, we’ve spent over two decades learning the best strategies businesses can use to increase profitability and reach more customers. We’re excited to share our techniques and discuss how we can help your business succeed in the digital age. Schedule your no-risk, no-obligation strategy session today.